The visual comfort is essential for maintaining a good eye health and improve our quality of life. According to a 2019 survey on working conditions by Dares-Drees-DGAFP, 8.1 million French people work in offices. That is almost a third of employees in France who spend most of their daily time in enclosed environments illuminated by artificial elements. This article explores the basics of visual comfort, its impacts on health and methods for optimizing our daily light environment.

What is visual comfort?

Visual comfort is defined by our ability to see our surroundings clearly and effortlessly. That is to say, no discomfort comes to our vantage and that the visual environment is qualitative enough to carry out tasks effectively and comfortably. Comfort largely influenced by several factors mainly related to light And thelighting.

To ensure optimum visual comfort, it is necessary that the lighting is sufficient and uniform. Shadow areas and sudden variations in brightness are therefore to be avoided. Just like reflections and glare. Indeed, if the lighting is insufficient or, on the contrary, too powerful, our health can suffer in the long term.

Impacts on health

One visual environment inadequate can lead to various health problems, affecting our quality of life and productivity. Here are the most common symptoms: decreased visual acuity, visual fatigue, vision changes, headaches or even sleep disorders...

THEasthenopia or visual fatigue is usually due to poor lighting or insufficient contrast. It is manifested by eye pain, dry or watery eyes, and blurred vision. These symptoms are compounded by prolonged screen use.

Les headaches, on the other hand, are mainly caused by too intense or insufficient lighting. But also by the glare from reflective surfaces.

Symptoms that together can make up the vision syndrome. Yes, in our modern society, the prolonged use of screens can cause many visual symptoms including those mentioned above.

You will then understand why it is important to optimize our environment as best as possible in terms of light and lighting to prevent these disorders and improve our wellness. Simple adjustments like improving lighting, using glare filters, and taking regular visual breaks can make a big difference.

How to guarantee good visual comfort?

The key to good visual comfort starts with a adequate lighting. It is necessary to adapt the lighting to the activities carried out in each space. In homes, prefer indirect light sources that diffuse light evenly without creating glare. The use of adjustable lamps can help focus light where it is needed and thus reduce eye fatigue when reading or doing manual work. At work, make sure the lighting is bright enough to cover the entire work surface, but not too bright to avoid reflections on computer screens.

Côté colours, soft, neutral tones can help reduce eye fatigue and create a calm, calming atmosphere. Avoid bright, saturated colors over large areas, as they can be overly stimulating. When it comes to materials, opt for matte finishes rather than glossy finishes to avoid unwanted reflections, especially on worktops, desks and other large surfaces.

In addition to lighting and colors, space planning should promote good visibility and visual comfort. This includes positioning furniture and equipment to optimize the use of natural light without creating backlighting, which could interfere with vision. Curtains or blinds can be used to modulate this natural light and avoid direct glare, especially during the hours when the sun is strongest.

Innovations and technologies

Today, it is possible to make our homes and buildings smart. With the help of sensors and control systems, we can have personalized and automated lighting management: activation of light according to ambient light, management of blinds according to weather conditions, etc.

There are also windows capable of filtering UV to reduce glare while maximizing natural light. These provide better visual comfort but also increased energy efficiency.

Of eaves well placed, skylights And curtain walls are other solutions to optimize the diffusion of natural light while minimizing excessive shadows and contrasts.


Visual comfort is fundamental to our daily well-being. An optimized visual environment improves our eye health and our quality of life. For those who encounter specific challenges related to vision, solutions like the Magic Sight glasses we offer are essential to improve the daily lives of people with visual impairment.