An embedded solution

Magic Sight is a innovative software solution designed for improve daily life people with a visual acuity deficit.

This software is interfaced with Magic Leap 2 smart glasses and offers various highly customizable modules. It allows users to restore a clear image by tele-magnifying the area obstructed by the scotoma to a peripheral area of vision.

How does it work?
Thanks to eyetracking technology, glasses recognize the still healthy areas of the retina of the most efficient eye. These functional areas are targeted in order to project the image that the wearer lacks.

Various color and contrast filters, controlled by a adapted remote control, allow a better perception of the environment And a adaptation to the conditions of use.

Note: Magic Sight glasses are not yet a medical device (coming soon!).

Everyday life made easy

Magic Sight glasses are particularly effective at home, in stationary mode, for:

  • Read and write
  • Watch TV
  • Use your computer
  • Recognizing the faces of loved ones
  • Identify, grasp, and use everyday objects
  • Cook

Research and innovation

Magic Sight has strengthened its ambitions for growth and development, with the aim of providing more efficient software that can adapt to all stages of disability.

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