THEOrthoptics is a discipline specialized in the diagnosis and treatment of vision disorders. Correction of convergence problems, rehabilitation of visual disabilities, orthoptists have a major role to play in maintaining and improving the sight of their patients.

These health professionals use a wide variety of techniques and tools to assess and treat eye problems: screening glasses, rehabilitation prisms, etc.

However, in recent years, a small revolution has taken place in the offices oforthoptists with the advent of vr. Increasingly integrated into visual rehabilitation sessions, this technology opens up new possibilities for patients and practitioners. Let's see how, but let's start by recalling the basics of orthoptics.

The benefits of orthoptics

Orthoptics offers numerous benefits at any stage of life: infant, child, adult or senior. It aims to improve binocular vision. In other words, it aims to strengthen the ability of both eyes to work together and synchronously through monitoring exercises, object fixation and others, which will develop the eye muscles. For example, sessions with an orthoptist may be indicated in case of strabismus or amblyopia in children (better known as “lazy eye”).

In other words, orthoptics plays a big role in maintaining healthy vision and in preventing more serious eye problems. By treating visual disorders as soon as they appear, orthoptists contribute to improving the quality of life of their patients and maintaining their visual health throughout their lives.

How does a session go?

As part of visual rehabilitation, several sessions lasting half an hour to one hour are to be expected over a few weeks. Of course, everything will depend on the patient's visual disorders, the results obtained over time and especially on the opinion of the health professional. The orthoptist receives his patient for the first time for a checkup in order to identify and assess the nature and extent of the visual disorders.

Once the vision tests have been carried out, the orthoptist will use various techniques to treat the vision alterations that he has identified. He may have to use prisms, colored filters, specific lenses or other optical devices. All this in the form of a series of exercises designed to strengthen the eye muscles, improve the coordination of eye movements, and promote clearer, accurate and comfortable vision.

During the exercises but also from one session to another, the orthoptist remains attentive to the reactions and progress of his patient. Were there any headaches from the previous session? Eye pain? This is in order to be able to adjust the exercises and techniques according to the needs of each patient. The challenge is to enable the patient to regain optimal vision and to prevent possible complications.

When and how to consult?

Several possibilities can lead to consulting an orthoptist: eye disorders (blurred vision, eye pain, difficulties in seeing near or far...), frequent headaches, difficulties in reading or concentrating.

General practitioners, ophthalmologists, pediatricians or other health professionals can prescribe to a patient an orthoptic evaluation by an orthoptist so that the latter can assess whether rehabilitation is necessary and can improve the patient's visual efficiency.

Although it is not mandatory to have a prescription to consult an orthoptist to renew glasses (under certain conditions) or to screen for amblyopia in children, for example, it is necessary for an orthoptic assessment. In particular in order to be guaranteed partial or comprehensive coverage by health insurance or by its complementary health insurance, visual rehabilitation consultations.

Virtual reality in orthoptics

What is virtual reality?

Virtual reality is an immersive technology that allows the user to live an artificial experience, by simulating real or imaginary environments, through specific software and through virtual reality headsets. For some years now, virtual reality has been used for video games, but also in other sectors such as medicine.

The idea is to offer the user the possibility of interacting in a simulated world with virtual objects and environments. Its fun side makes it an innovative solution for visual rehabilitation in orthoptics. This is why it is more and more common to see orthoptist offices provide headsets and software for this type of experience.

The benefits of VR in an orthoptist's office

The use of Virtual reality in orthoptics offers numerous advantages, in particular to improve the effectiveness of visual rehabilitation sessions. Indeed, thanks to the eye tracking tools integrated into virtual reality headsets and dedicated software, orthoptists can obtain accurate data on patients' eye movements and visual abilities.

It has also been noted that using virtual reality during sessions increases patients' motivation in exercises thanks to the immersive virtual environments in which they are immersed. A motivation that promotes active participation and that can lead to more rapid and significant progress in the treatment of visual disorders.

In addition, virtual reality headsets allow orthoptists to offer rehabilitation sessions at the patient's home while ensuring remote monitoring of the patient's performance and to adapt the sessions accordingly.

In other words, virtual reality has already shown great promise for many sectors of activity and particularly for medical sectors. Orthoptics has a new advantage for visual rehabilitation.

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