“My sight is linked to time.” Exclusive interview with Marie-Catherine

“When the weather is nice I can see a lot better. When there is no light, I can't see well. It's more blurry and there's less contrast.”


What were your first symptoms and how much did it impact your daily life?

“I have EMAP, an uncommon condition.

At first I had trouble organizing myself as I could see less and less. I noticed it when I looked at the stars. That is to say, I was looking straight ahead and there were no stars in front of me, but I could see them all over the sides. As I changed my position, I realized that it was always the same pattern. That's how I saw the start of my pathology.

When my eyesight started to fall, I had trouble identifying obstacles on the ground. When I walked, I confused the stains on the ground with holes or vice versa. So I frequently fell and hurt myself very often.

Little by little, the light effects were very important.

Light is very important when your eyesight is reduced. Everything that is neon, bright lights and the like, prevents you from seeing as much as a dark room. You have to be able to find lights that are well placed and of the right intensity, so as to be able to understand everyday actions.

For example ironing, cooking, peeling vegetables. Everyday things that seem quite trivial can only be done under specific conditions.

For example, I can only do it when the weather is nice.

When it's gray, no ironing is possible because I don't have enough contrasts and it's a crease war!

For the kitchen it's the same, you need very specific lighting. To recognize ingredients in particular. Cooking has become a matter of organization.

You have to store everything in the same place. Unfortunately we live with people who take something and put it to rest anywhere. It doesn't matter to them but it's no longer trivial for us.

Our other senses are learning to develop. You have to look at everything in the light so that things become easy to understand.”


Starting the application and adjusting the glasses to Marie-Catherine's sight


“The glasses are very light, you can't feel them at all. It doesn't hurt your head or nose... it's very comfortable.

In terms of vision it's incredible, I can see the stitches in your sweater! “

“We find all the comfort of sight. In terms of colors, I see them very well. I separate them as needed. The great thing about these new glasses is that when you move quickly, everything follows. The glasses can follow the movements of the head, regardless of the speed. The image does not arrive with a lag or in a jerky manner but is instantaneous.”


What do you think of the adjustment time?


“When you are visually impaired you can't see people's faces, you only get an idea. It's great, with these glasses I can see faces and I could even recognize someone on the street.

It's amazing, these glasses are suitable for all problems where the visual field is affected, especially the central part.”


“What is incredible is that this device is restoring the field of vision that I lost.”


How do you feel about wearing glasses and your first effects on the eye? What do they bring you?

“These glasses are amazing. You regain a view like you no longer had.

My pathology causes a dark spot in the middle that reduces my field of vision. I see on the sides and in an extremely blurry way.

With these glasses, the view is magically restored. So you can read again, see shapes and colors.

The glasses are equipped with a small remote control that allows you to gain weight and return to normal. With this zoom game, you get to have a normal view. I was able to read extremely small things, and see the building across the street from my window. It is extremely comfortable to review the details.

In terms of comfort of vision, watching TV is once again possible. No need to constantly play with the magnification or put objects 3 centimeters away from the eye to see them. With glasses things can be much further away and we can see them perfectly. With the remote control we can easily find the magnification level that suits us.

Before I wrote a lot but I couldn't read myself again. Now I will be able to go back to my novels where they left off.

I see nothing but advantages in these glasses and I am sure they will get better and better.”